Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is very different to acute pain, such as the pain we get from standing on a nail etc. Chronic pain, such as Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and pain pre/post surgery can be so debilitating. It is fantastic news to hear for you, perhaps, that there is a solution to reducing this pain and making your life much more comfortable.

It is absolutely marvellous the effects that hypnotherapy has with reducing/removing this pain. My clients have been overjoyed at the results. I use a ‘Solution Focused’ approach with regard to what you have been experiencing.  With hypnosis we can control the pain message and make them redundant. Using hypnotherapy as a tool and focusing on various techniques and skills the pain message is altered at the ‘pain gate’.

A better  quality of life can be achieved as we work together over the weeks. Your experience of the pain message after having hypnotherapy enables you to experience the message of pain very differently, reducing the signals with regard to intensity. Stress and anxiety caused by pain is dealt with each week by redirecting the focus which helps you cope and manage so much better.

How can I help you?

Book an initial consultation today, or call 07789 353424.