Anxiety, Depression and PTSD

After enduring lifelong anxiety, depression and complex PTSD, Anne-Marie handed me the key to re-mapping my mind. From the first session I gained a simplified insight into how my mind actually functions, and how I can actually steer my emotions into calmer waters. Over the following weeks sessions the everlasting storm inside my head gradually faded. Even now, weeks after our final session, the understanding I now have of the human mind, and the exercises I learnt through hypnotherapy are working their magic. I see the world with a more positive and motivated mind now. The storm may return, but through hypnotherapy with Anne-Marie, I now know how to navigate that storm. With limitless gratitude, thankyou kindly for this experience. Phil 🙂

Anxiety & Stress

Wow where do I start – I live 100000 miles an hour never stopping to breath or collect myself. I suffer with anxiety and stress headaches, struggle to sleep and never say no to anyone. This caused me to often explode or breakdown neither of them healthy but yet I continued to repeat the cycle. Then Ann Marie stepped in….in just a matter of weeks she has empowered me with the tools to say NO, NO to anything that’s drains me or costs me my peace and health. My brain now functions and processes what I want and not what other people want me to do. I no longer have long to do lists that just keep growing, all the things that I needed to do are done and when I have something that needs to be done, I no longer get stressed or overwhelmed I just do it calmly and in full control. Ann Marie enables you to alter your thought patterns and take back control. I honestly have never felt better and I only started in September, I cannot wait to see what the future brings for me and my family. Thank you AM.


I have felt anxious throughout my life. Recently my biggest fear of my husband leaving me happened. Seeing Anne-Marie and listening to her recording every night has changed my life. I now look forward to going to bed and listening to the hypnosis/ meditation rather than my mind thinking the worst case scenarios, I can think positively and can remain calm and see life as a game of chances instead of being worried about everything. I highly recommend this type of therapy and you can’t ask for a kinder and more loving person than Anne -Marie to guide you through it.


Anne-Marie has helped me greatly with problems and worries I have in my life! She listens and takes a different approach to therapy which I love. I feel as though I can express how I truly feel with no judgement, and there is always a solution and way forward with everything. I have started to definitely take a much more positive approach to hurdles in my life and I am sleeping better and feeling a lot happier within myself 😊 

Quit Smoking

Anne Marie offered a session to help me quit smoking. After years of trying NRT and cold turkey and always feeling I was ‘missing out’ I can honestly say that I am a happy non-smoker after just one session. Anne Marie was empathetic approachable and an amazing practitioner – I can thoroughly recommend her…I’ve been smoke free for 6 months now and I am amazed at how easy it has been with Anne Marie’s help.

Insomnia & Anxiety

I found the service extremely effective. Anne Marie is professional and has an excellent grasp of her subject. She taught me to understand how my mind works which has enabled me to overcome my sleep problem and anxiety. The treatment has helped me in lots of other areas of my mental well-being and it is something I draw on daily. I would not hesitate to recommend this service.